Week 6: Filming


We finally handed the design task and I was glad it was finished. Now it is time to start planning for filming this week. Therefore, here is our three column script combined:

Production Title:
Hyper Reality 
Page   1  of    15.
Director: Sophie Pham and Adele Scaysbrook 

Duration of shot
Shot Description and Visual information:
Shot type, position, angle, movement, lighting notes, description of action etc. 
Voice-Over, Dialogue, Music, Sound FX etc.
10 seconds in total
SHOT TYPE: Mixture of closeups and extreme closeups. 

POSITION: A shot for every beat. Here are some examples. Eye-level, above and below person, floor level.

ANGLE:Various angles including low, high, front-on.

ACTION:Montage of people scrolling through social media, eyes flickering, people on their phone and social media icons. This is to depict the intimate connection between people and their phones and the fast pace of social media.


LIGHTING: High-key, bright lighting. Slightly over-exposed.  
Voice over: n/a

Music: “Black-Skinhead” by Kanye West plays for 11 seconds.
Sound FX:n/a

Editing notes: Saturated colour scheme and over-exposed lighting to reflect happiness.   When a cymbal crash happens, a black digital title screen with white writing emerges. There’s 5 cymbal crashes. Order of title appearance: Narcissism, Self-Esteem Addiction, Aftermath and then 'Hyper Reality.
4 seconds 
SHOT TYPE: Close-up

POSITION: In front of the bedside table.  

ANGLE: Neutral

ACTION: The screen starts black. An iPhone placed on a bedside table fades into view. The home button is pressed. The phone screen lights up.

MOVEMENT: Stationary

LIGHTING: Low exposure. Room is almost dark. The light produced from the screen illuminates the shot. 
Voice over: “Social media. A harmless way to connect or a false and dangerous construct masking mass social dysfunction? Everyday billions of people unlock their screens in search of likes, comments, affirmation and re-assurance.”


Sound FX: Hear rate monitor beeping.

Editing notes: Cool colour scheme to reflect the severity of social media and its negative effects.
6 seconds 
SHOT TYPE: Extreme close-ups

POSITION: Above phone. 

ANGLE:High angle 

ACTION: A person scrolls through their instagram feed, double tapping photos, checking their personal profile, checking for likes and comments.

MOVEMENT: Stationary

LIGHTING: Phone light illuminates and covers frame.
Voice over: “During the ritual scroll through a hedonistic diet of photos and self-promotion, we subconsciously compare ourselves and our lives to digitally idealized depictions of a social ‘nirvana’ that isn’t real.”

Music: Slow, sombre music begins creating a dark and reflective atmosphere
Sound FX: Hear rate monitor beeping.

Editing notes: The colours in the frame will be slightly saturated to reflect how happy live appears to be on social media. The person’s thumb should be the only finger seen.  
9 seconds
SHOT TYPE: Close-ups



ACTION:A montage of people using social media. For example, shots of darting eyes, social media notifications popping up on phones, stalking a beauty guru’s profile. 

MOVEMENT: Stationary

LIGHTING:Slightly over-exposed. 
Voice over: “Social media can exploit the worst of our natures, legitimizing narcissism, fuelling our addictions and toying with our  self-esteem. It can create a tsunami of negative psychological effects for the worst affected among us, an issue which is increasingly  prevalent  in today’s impressionable youth.”

Music: Slow, sombre music continues…

Sound FX:

Editing notes:Slightly saturated colours to reflect the filtered and fake construct that is social media. Also, the vivid colours reflect the ‘happy and perfect lives’ of people on social media. 
5 seconds



ACTION:The shot abruptly cuts to a black screen.  


Voice over: If it’s the last thing you see at night, and the first thing you wake to, are we ever truly ‘offline’?  Are we really on a form of ‘digital life support’ that starts and stops when we click the power button?

Music: Slow, sombre music stops.
Sound FX:

Editing notes:  
4 seconds
SHOT TYPE:Medium close-up

POSITION:Next to the girl’s elbow.

ANGLE: Slightly low angle.

ACTION: A girl stares into a mirror while social media icons float around her reflection.

MOVEMENT: Stationary 

LIGHTING: Dark, under-exposed lighting. Her body is half in the shadows, half in the light.
Voice over:Is social media turning us into a pack of ‘publicity-hungry narcissists by pandering to our innate vanity and need for attention?

Sound FX:

Editing notes:  Slightly cool tones. Need animation application to add in the icons floating around in the mirror. The title ‘Narcissism’ appears across the screen in white text.
4 seconds
SHOT TYPE: Extreme close-up

POSITION: Above phone

ANGLE: High angle

ACTION: A person scrolls through their follow requests on instagram, accepting random people. 

MOVEMENT: Stationary

LIGHTING: Low-exposure.Phone light. 
Voice over: Many social media users feel compelled  to compete for  followers, as if a higher number increases our self-worth or our importance. Friends, complete strangers…no matter.

Music: Fast pop music begins creating an upbeat atmosphere, mimicking the way people feel when they’re using social media.
Sound FX: A ding, swoosh and beep sound, as finger accepts follow requests on phone.

Editing notes:Slightly saturated colours.
5 seconds
SHOT TYPE:Close-up

POSITION:Shoulder height, looking up at girl’s face

ANGLE:Low angle

ACTION:A girl smiles as she gains more followers. This is depicted through a visual overlay of instagram notifications  appearing sporadically reading ‘… has requested to follow you.’

MOVEMENT:Panning from phone up to girl’s smiling face.

LIGHTING:Dark, low-key lighting. Girl’s face is lit up by the glow from her phone.
Voice over:The bigger the following, the better you feel. People feel loved and popular having an abundance of “friends.”

Music: Fast pop music continues…
Sound FX:

Editing notes: Use animation application or FCP to add in a visual overlay of follow requests. 
3 seconds
SHOT TYPE: Medium close-up



ACTION: A girl is straight-faced but smiles once she raises the phone to take a selfie.

MOVEMENT: Stationary 

LIGHTING:Low-key lighting. Under-exposed.
Voice over:This creates an expanding audience with whom you can supposedly connect by….

Music: Fast pop music continues…
Sound FX: Camera shutter sound.

Editing notes:  
4 seconds
SHOT TYPE:Extreme close-up

POSITION:Above phone 

ANGLE:High angle

ACTION: The girl is using airbrushing tools to edit the selfie she just took. She captions her post ’Good morning world.’

MOVEMENT: Stationary 

LIGHTING: Under-exposed, dim lighting. Semi-dark background. 
Voice over:…bombarding them with stylised imagery of boastful self-promotion of a  ‘perfect’ life.

Music: Fast pop music continues…
Sound FX:

Editing notes:  The phone screen will be saturated to emphasise the fact she making her life seems happy and perfect. 
7 seconds 
SHOT TYPE:Medium close-up of Psychologist

POSITION: Slightly below eye level. The psychologist is off-centre, left in the frame.  


ACTION: Psychologist discusses how social media heightens people’s natural narcissistic nature, promoting fake personas.

MOVEMENT: Stationary 

LIGHTING:Bright lighting to ensure no shadows on the green screen. Ceiling light, soft box and LED needed.
Voice over:n/a

Music: The Fast pop music becomes muffled and its volume is decreased.
Sound FX:

Notes: Conducting interview in Mr Powell’s office in front of the green screen closest to the door. Adjust exposure so light looks more natural on psychologist.
4 seconds 
SHOT TYPE: Medium close-up

POSITION: Eye-level


ACTION:People stand in a line doing various things with their phone. E.g. Swiping, liking, staring, taking selfies…

MOVEMENT: Panning from left to right. 

LIGHTING: Low exposure. Dark shadows in background. 
Voice over: Psychologist continues speaking about the link between social media and narcissism. 

Music: The Fast pop music is muffled, volume decreased.
Sound FX: Camera shutters, notification sounds (twitter, instagram, typing)

Editing notes: Sound effect begin sporadically, becoming  increasingly  faster.  
7 seconds 
SHOT TYPE: Medium close-up on the left. Extreme close-up on the right. 

POSITION:Left = Eye-level. Right = above phone

ANGLE: Left= Neutral. Right = high angle

ACTION: Split screen. On the fight of the frame, a girl with a sad expression looks at a phone. The right of the frame displays what she’s seeing. E.g. scrolling through a model’s instagram 

MOVEMENT: Stationary

LIGHTING: Left = girl is sitting alone in darkness, the phone glow lighting her face. Right= bright, over-exposed lighting 
Voice over: “By sanitising the reality of our real human experience, 3 billion active social media users are exposed daily to unattainable social or life goals and specially crafted material that is intentionally idealistic.”

Music: Fast pop music continues…

Sound FX:

Editing notes: Bland, almost colourless appearance on the left. Contrasted with the saturated and vibrant appearance on right.   
5 seconds 
SHOT TYPE:Close-up


ANGLE:Low angle

ACTION:A persons does a wry smile. 

MOVEMENT: Stationary

LIGHTING:Dark and under-exposed. A shadow is casted on the person’s face.
Voice over: ”Recent studies show 63% of 18-29 year olds have been excited when their post received more likes that expected.”

Music: Fast pop music continues…
Sound FX:

Editing notes: Animated hearts and emojis fall down screen, overlapping the face. 
7 seconds 
SHOT TYPE: Extreme close-up

POSITION: Eye-level

ANGLE: Neutral

ACTION:A person’s pupils display various social media icons.

MOVEMENT: Stationary

LIGHTING:Phone is the only source of lighting.Phone is placed under the person’s face, put of frame. The background is dimly lit.
Voice over: “Comments, heart emojis, likes all fuel our ego and stimulate the  narcissist in us all.Humans desire to be loved and accepted, and social media is a conduit to these emotions.”

Music: Fast pop music continues…
Sound FX:

Editing notes: The icons inside the pupils are saturated and overly exposed.
4 seconds 
SHOT TYPE: Extreme close-up

POSITION: Beside phone


ACTION:A girl uploads a selfie, the caption ‘Bad hair day 🙈


LIGHTING: Bright and slightly over-exposed 
Voice over: “People feel the only place they can escape to from their mundane, chaotic lives is in a screen."

Music: Fast pop music continues…
Sound FX:

Editing notes: Saturated colours.
5 seconds 
SHOT TYPE:Medium close-up of student(s)

POSITION:Slightly above the student  

ANGLE:Subtle high angle. 

ACTION:Compilation of various students answering ”How do you feel when you receive lots of likes/ comments on a selfie? Genuinely loved?” And “How many times do you check your own feed and why?”

MOVEMENT: Stationary

LIGHTING:Bright lighting to ensure no shadows on the green screen. Ceiling light, soft box and LED needed.
Voice over: n/a

Music: Fast pop music continues…
Sound FX:

Notes:  Conducting interview in Mr Powell’s office in front of the green screen closest to the door. Adjust exposure so light looks more natural on student(s).
2 seconds 
SHOT TYPE:Close-up

POSITION:In front of sign

ANGLE:Low angle

ACTION: The ’Rolex’ store sign fills the frame

MOVEMENT:Slowly zooming in

LIGHTING: Natural light. Turn exposure down on camera so create a somber feel. 
Voice over:  Over the action, student answers to ‘Do you ever pretend to be someone or somewhere on social media?’are heard.

Music: Fast pop music continues…
Sound FX:

Editing notes: Colours are saturated. 
4 seconds 
SHOT TYPE: Medium close-up

POSITION: On the floor, tilted up towards man.

ANGLE: Low angle

ACTION: Man looks around checking for security and then photographs a Rolex on his left wrist.


LIGHTING: Dull lighting. Slightly under-exposed. The man’s face has a slight shadow casted across it.
Voice over: Over the action, student answers to ‘Do you ever pretend to be someone or somewhere on social media?’are heard.

Music: Fast pop music continues…
Sound FX:Camera shutter

Editing notes:  
4 seconds 
SHOT TYPE: Extreme close-up

POSITION: Above the phone

ANGLE:High angle

ACTION:The man types ‘New watch! #AnotherRolex.’ and presses ‘post.’


LIGHTING:Low-exposure. Natural lighting.
Voice over:Over the action, student answers to ‘Do you ever pretend to be someone or somewhere on social media?’are heard.

Music: Fast pop music continues…
Sound FX: Typing sound.

Editing notes: The photo is incredibly vibrant and filtered, contrasting with the man’s unsaturated hands.  
4 seconds 
SHOT TYPE:Medium shot

POSITION:In front of and above the man

ANGLE: High angle

ACTION: The man stares down at his phone, comments sporadically appearing around him. E.g: ’You seriously have the best life!’


LIGHTING: Dark shadows. Under-exposed.
Voice over:Over the action, student answers to ‘Do you ever pretend to be someone or somewhere on social media?’are heard.

Music: Fast pop music continues…
Sound FX:

Editing notes:  
2 seconds
SHOT TYPE: Close-up

POSITION:In front of shelf


ACTION:The man places the Rolex watch back on the watch stand.

MOVEMENT:Camera following his hand from right to left.

LIGHTING:Low-key lighting. Subtle shadows on hand.  
Voice over:Over the action, student answers to ‘Do you ever pretend to be someone or somewhere on social media?’are heard

Music: Fast pop music continues…
Sound FX:

Editing notes: 
5 seconds
SHOT TYPE:Medium close-up of Psychologist

POSITION: Eye-level

ANGLE: Neutral

ACTION: Psychologist discusses why people project a false image on social media and whether it’s out of selfish motives or not.

MOVEMENT: Stationary 

LIGHTING:Bright lighting to ensure no shadows on the green screen. Ceiling light, soft box and LED needed.
Voice over: n/a

Music:The Fast pop music becomes quieter, eventually stopping.
Sound FX:

Notes: Conducting interview in Mr Powell’s office in front of the green screen closest to the door. Adjust exposure so light looks more natural on psychologist.
2 seconds



ACTION:The shot abruptly cuts to a black screen. 


Voice over: "Social media is a harmful drug.”


Sound FX:

Editing notes: The screen remains black as the voice over plays.

4-5 seconds
The words “Self-esteem” fades into the black screen as a heartbeat is heard throughout the introduction of this topic. 
Sound FX: Heartbeat 
Voice-over: Refer to script on the blog
3-5 seconds
Shot type: A high shot of the girl in her bed looking at modeling photos 
Position: High position 
Angle: High angle 
Movement: None
Lighting notes: Low-key lighting or limited lighting to represent that the setting is in a dark room and the laptop is a source of lighting
Description of action: The young girl looks at social media while scrolling social media models 
Framing: The girl will be position diagonally on the frame with the laptop screen facing the audience 
Voice-Over: By looking at the constructed reality on social media, viewers with weak confidence would think how their lives is not as perfect as the ones portrayed in social media. Thus, this would lower their self-esteem.
Dialogue: None
Music: Slow music 
Sound FX: None 
Editing notes: The cool colour scheme is still there but the clip is now desaturate at this point of the documentary, fades in from black at the beginning
Location: Bedroom
4-6 seconds 
Close up shot of the laptop screen where it display modelling photos on Facebook 

3-5 Seconds
Shot type: A medium shot of the girl’s body as she touches her face and her body with a sadden expression 
Position: Low position  
Angle: Neutral 
Movement: None
Lighting notes: Low-key lighting or limited lighting to represent that the setting is in a dark room
Description of action: The young girl touches her face then her body with a sadden expression 
Framing: The mirror will be on the left side of the frame with the girl’s reflection and the actual girl will be positioned on the right side 
Voice-Over: As the self-obsess would only post their “perfect” part of their life, people with lacking self-confidence would constantly comparing themselves to apparently perfect images online.  
Dialogue: None
Music: Slow music
Sound FX: None 
Editing notes: The cool colour scheme is still there but the clip is now desaturate
Location: Bedroom
Additional notes: Refer Appendix for image  
3-5 seconds 
Animation of statistics on students’ self-esteem, use Videoscribe 
Voice-Over:  Refer to script on the blog  
5-7 Seconds
Shot type: A medium shot of the psychologist in an interview 
Position: Eye level 
Angle: Neutral
Movement: None
Lighting notes: Use LED barn door light with softbox facing against the psychologist but not to the point that it blind them 
Description of action: The psychologist is interviewed 
Framing: Left side of the frame and a tighter shot 
Voice-Over: None
Dialogue: Psychologist speaking 
Music: None
Sound FX: None
Editing notes: Normal colours and balanced exposure 
Location: Mr Powell’s office 
5-7 Seconds
Shot type: Various shots types such as medium and long of girls stressing out 
Position: Various positions such as high, low and eye level
Angle: Various angles such as high, low, neutral 
Movement: None
Lighting notes: Mix with natural lighting and superficial lighting 
Description of action: A series of montage is playing with young girls on their phones and some looking stress 
Voice-Over:  Refer to script on the blog  
Dialogue: None
Music: Slow music
Sound FX: None 
Editing notes: Saturated and cool colour scheme 

Location: Various from outdoor and indoors 
5-7 Seconds
More animation is used for statistics 
On the frame: 
  • 60% of people using social media reported that it has impacted their self-esteem in a negative way
  • 50% reported social media having negative effects on their relationships
  • 80% reported that is easier to be deceived by others through their sharing on social media
7-8 Seconds
Shot type: Medium close-up of the psychologist 
Position: Slight low position 
Angle: Slight low angle 
Movement: None
Lighting notes: Use LED barn door light with softbox facing against the psychologist but not to the point that it blind them
Description of action: A tighter shot of the psychologist as she/he discuss further on the impact self-esteem has on teens 
Framing: The psychologist’s side is facing the camera and she is place on the left side of the frame  
Voice-Over: None 
Dialogue: Psychologist’s answers 
Music: None
Sound FX: None 
Editing notes: Slight cool colour scheme but  not overdo it 
Location: Mr Powell’s office 
3-5 Seconds
Shot type: Close-up of the girl’s face 
Position: High position  
Angle: Slight high angle 
Movement: Panning from right to left 
Lighting notes: Low-key lighting or limited lighting to represent that the setting is in a dark room 
Description of action: The young girl is putting on make-up heavily 
Framing: The shot start with the girl’s back blocking then as the camera pans to the left, the girl is seen putting on make-up as the camera stops as she is on the right side of the frame 
Voice-Over:  Refer to script on the blog  
Dialogue: None 
Music: Slow music
Sound FX: None 
Editing notes: The cool colour scheme is still there but the clip is now desaturate at this point of the documentary
Location: Home 
3-5 Seconds
Shot type: A close-up of the girl taking a selfie 
Position: Bird’s eye view 
Angle: High angle 
Movement: None 
Lighting notes: Low-key lighting or limited lighting to represent that the setting is in a dark room and the phone is a source of lighting
Description of action: The young girl is taking a selfie a her bed. After taking the selfie, she throw her phone away on the side
Framing: The girl would be slightly on the center but mostly on the right side of the frame
Voice-Over:  Refer to script on the blog  
Dialogue: None 
Music: Slow music
Sound FX: Camera flash 
Editing notes: The cool colour scheme is still there but the clip is now desaturate at this point of the documentary, A also during the clip, have several photos she took appear on the screen 
Location: Bed 
3-5 seconds
Shot type: A close-up of the girl lying on the bed in frustration  
Position: Bird’s eye view 
Angle: Neutral  
Movement: None 
Lighting notes: Low-key lighting or limited lighting to represent that the setting is in a dark room 
Description of action: The young girl runs through her hair with her fingers in frustration  
Framing: The girl is on the right of the frame again to maintain continuity  
Voice-Over:  Refer to script on the blog  
Dialogue: None 
Music: Slow music  
Sound FX: None 
Editing notes: The cool colour scheme is still there but the clip is now desaturate at this point of the documentary, words fades in on the left side of the screen, fades to black 
Location: Bed
5-7 Seconds
Shot type: More various shots types such as medium and long of girls stressing out 
Position: Various positions such as high, low and eye level
Angle: Various angles such as high, low, neutral 
Movement: None
Lighting notes: Mix with natural lighting and superficial lighting 
Description of action: A series of montage is playing with teens looking stress 
Voice-Over:  Refer to script on the blog  
Dialogue: None
Music: Slow music  
Sound FX: None 
Editing notes: Saturated and cool colour scheme, may have stock footages of stress teens as a back-up (few seconds though)  
Location: Various from outdoor and indoors 
5-7 Seconds
Shot type: Various shots types such as medium and long of girls stressing out 
Position: Various positions such as high, low and eye level
Angle: Various angles such as high, low, neutral 
Movement: None
Lighting notes: Mix with natural lighting and superficial lighting 
Description of action: A series of montage is playing with young girls on their phones 
Voice-Over:  Refer to script on the blog  
Dialogue: None
Music: Slow music  
Sound FX: None 
Editing notes: Saturated and cool colour scheme, Fade to black  
Location: Various from outdoor and indoors 
4 seconds 
SHOT TYPE: Close-up

POSITION: Eye-level


ACTION: In a dark room, a girl’s face is illuminated by her phone.


LIGHTING: Room is completely dark, excluding a singular phone light. The phone is the only light source.
Voice over: “We grow hungry and agitated without it.”

Music:Sad, sombre music begins.
Sound FX: Unlocked phone sound.

Editing notes: The title ‘Addiction’ appears over her head. 
3 seconds 
SHOT TYPE: Quick montage of various drugs (photos). 



ACTION: Photos of various drugs appear in a  fast montage.


Voice over: “Like any other drug, it’s highly addictive.”

Music:Sad, sombre music continues.
Sound FX:

Editing notes: A filter will be added to these photos to make them appear dull and therefore negative.
4 seconds
SHOT TYPE: Medium shot

POSITION: Slightly above eye-level

ANGLE:High angle

ACTION: A person stares at their phone in the foreground and a time-lapsed clock ticks over their right shoulder in  the background. 


LIGHTING:Low-key lighting. A dark shadow is casted on the person's face. The clock in the background is well-lit. 
Voice over: “These time-consuming apps encourage our ever-growing lust for attention and love.”

Music:Sad, sombre music continues.
Sound FX: Ticking clock sound

Editing notes: 
6 seconds
SHOT TYPE: Medium close-up of student(s)



ACTION:Compilation of various students answering “How many times on a day do you check your social media?””

MOVEMENT: Stationary

LIGHTING:Bright lighting to ensure no shadows on the green screen. Ceiling light, soft box and LED needed.
Voice over: n/a

Music:Sad, sombre music becomes muffled, decreasing in volume.
Sound FX:

Notes:Conducting interview in Mr Powell’s office in front of the green screen closest to the door. Adjust exposure so light looks more natural on student(s).
4 seconds 
SHOT TYPE: Close-up

POSITION: Camera’s behind the phone on the desk.

ANGLE: Neutral

ACTION: A girl is studying hard but then she's distracted by her buzzing phone.

MOVEMENT: Stationary

LIGHTING: Dimly lit. Low exposure. 
Voice over: “Social media’s our lifeline to the outside world. Without it we’re led to believe we’re disconnected and alienated.”

Music:Sad, sombre music continues.
Sound FX:

Editing notes: The phone shakes slightly, lighting up.
5 seconds 
SHOT TYPE: Montage of people using social media in various locations. 


ANGLE: Various 

ACTION: Different shots of people using  social media in multiple locations. E.g.Medium close-up of a girl scrolling through facebook on a laptop in class.


LIGHTING: Low-key lighting to create a depressing atmosphere. Under-exposed.
Voice over:”Therefore, millennials ‘compulsively’ check their social profiles and updates.”

Music:Sad, sombre music continues.
Sound FX: Multiple notification sounds. E.g. Tweet, swoosh, ding…

Editing notes: These statistics  appear on the left hand side of the frame: ’Studies prove that 59% of parents feel their teen is addicted to their phone, with 50% of millennials admitting their condition.’
6 seconds
SHOT TYPE: Medium close-up of Psychologist

POSITION: Eye-level

ANGLE: Neutral

ACTION: The Psychologist discusses how social media triggers a dopamine high.

MOVEMENT: Stationary

LIGHTING:Bright lighting to ensure no shadows on the green screen. Ceiling light, soft box and LED needed.
Voice over: n/a

Music:Sad, sombre music continues.
Sound FX:

Notes:Conducting interview in Mr Powell’s office in front of the green screen closest to the door. Adjust exposure so light looks more natural on Psychologist.
4 seconds
SHOT TYPE: Medium shot of students sitting at a lunch table

POSITION: Eye-level

ANGLE: Stationary 

ACTION: Students sit in a group, laughing and taking pictures of each other. 

MOVEMENT: Camera pans from left to right

LIGHTING: Bright and slightly over-exposed, reflecting the happiness social media is giving them.
Voice over: Over the action, the Psychologist continues discussing how social media triggers a dopamine high.

Music: Sad, sombre music continues.
Sound FX:

Editing notes: 
5 seconds
SHOT TYPE: Extreme close-up



ACTION: A shot of a phone becomes overlaid by darting eyes.


LIGHTING:Phone is the only source of light, illuminating the face. 
Voice over: “Recent studies show 92% of teens go online daily, with 76% confessing to avidly using social media.We’re constantly logged in, dreading the moment we have to log out."”

Music:Sad, sombre music continues.
Sound FX:

Editing notes: Use animation app to make statistics appear across the screen in white writing.
4 seconds
SHOT TYPE: Close-up


ANGLE: Neutral

ACTION:Students answer, “Would you rather give up solid food for 3 weeks or your phone for 2 months? Why?”

MOVEMENT: Stationary 

LIGHTING:Bright lighting to ensure no shadows on the green screen. Ceiling light, soft box and LED needed.
Voice over:n/a

Music:Sad, sombre music becomes muffled, quieter.
Sound FX:

Notes:Conducting interview in Mr Powell’s office in front of the green screen closest to the door. Adjust exposure so light looks more natural on student(s). 
5 seconds
SHOT TYPE: Medium close-up of a psychiatric nurse.



ACTION: The Psychiatric nurse discusses the similarities between drug addicts and phone addicts.


LIGHTING:Bright lighting to ensure no shadows on the green screen. Ceiling light, soft box and LED needed.
Voice over:n/a

Music: The Sad, sombre music is muffled.
Sound FX:

Editing notes: Conducting interview in Mr Powell’s office in front of the green screen closest to the door. Adjust exposure so light looks more natural on nurse. 
5 seconds
SHOT TYPE:Fast montage of drug addicts suffering and becoming agitated



ACTION: Multiple shots of drug addicts. E.g. Being angry in their cells, Being rolled up in the corner alone etc…


LIGHTING: Low-key lighting. Dramatic dark shadows casted on the drug addicts.
Voice over: Over the action, the Psychiatric nurse continues discussing similarities between drug and phone addicts.

Music:Sad, sombre music continues.
Sound FX:

Editing notes: Lower the saturation levels to emphasise the sad and depressing life of an addict.
5 seconds 
SHOT TYPE:Close-up

POSITION: Eye-level


ACTION:The Psychiatric nurse answers, “How do drug addicts react when they’re refused access to drugs?”

MOVEMENT: Stationary

LIGHTING:Bright lighting to ensure no shadows on the green screen. Ceiling light, soft box and LED needed.
Voice over:n/a

Music:Sad, sombre music becomes muffled, decreasing in volume.
Sound FX:

Notes: Conducting interview in Mr Powell’s office in front of the green screen closest to the door. Adjust exposure so light looks more natural on nurse. 
4 seconds
SHOT TYPE:Close-up

POSITION: Eye-level


ACTION:A student answers “How do you react when your phone is taken away?”

MOVEMENT: Slowly zooming in

LIGHTING:Bright lighting to ensure no shadows on the green screen. Ceiling light, soft box and LED needed.
Voice over:

Music:Sad, sombre music is muffled.
Sound FX:

Notes: Conducting interview in Mr Powell’s office in front of the green screen closest to the door. Adjust exposure so light looks more natural on student(s). 
3 seconds



ACTION:The shot abruptly cuts to a black screen. 


Voice over: “Why give up something drowning us in dopamine?”

Music:Sad, sombre music stops.
Sound FX:

Editing notes: 

3-5 seconds  
Shot type: An extreme close-up of the eye 
Position: Slight low position 
Angle: Slight low angle 
Movement: None
Lighting notes: Low-key lighting or limited lighting to represent that the setting is in a dark room and the laptop is a source of lighting
Description of action: The eye is moving up and down to look at other images online 
Framing: The eye is situated on the left side of the frame 
Voice-Over:  Refer to script on the blog  
Dialogue: None
Music: Slow music  
Sound FX: None 
Editing notes: Saturated and cool colour scheme, fades in at the beginning 
Location: Classroom or in a room  
3-5 seconds 
Shot type: A close-up shot of the laptop screen  
Position: High position  
Angle: Slight high angle 
Movement: None
Lighting notes: Low-key lighting or limited lighting to represent that the setting is in a dark room and the laptop is a source of lighting
Description of action: The young girl is scrolling through a social media star’s account 
Framing: Laptop screen is on the right side of the frame with part of the girl’s shoulder on the left 
Voice-Over:  Refer to script on the blog  
Dialogue: None 
Music: Slow music  
Sound FX: None 
Editing notes: Saturated and cool colour scheme
Location: Classroom or in a room  
8-9 seconds 
Shot type: A medium shot of the councilor 
Position: Eye level
Angle: Slight low angle 
Movement: None 
Lighting notes: Use LED barn door light with softbox facing against the school councilor but not to the point that it blind them
Description of action: The school councilor explain what are the overall effect social media has on teens 
Framing: The school councilor is on the left side of the frame 
Voice-Over: None  
Dialogue: School councilor answering 
Music: None  
Sound FX: None 
Editing notes: Normal colours and balanced exposure 
Location: Mr Powell’s office 
5-8 seconds 
Animation with statistics about suicide and depression fills the frame
Voice-Over:  Refer to script on the blog  
8-9 seconds 
Shot type: A medium shot of the councilor 
Position: Eye level
Angle: Slight low angle 
Movement: None 
Lighting notes: Use LED barn door light with softbox facing against the school councilor but not to the point that it blind them
Description of action: The school councilor is questioned by the filmmaker and she answers them
Framing: The school councilor is slightly on the right side of the frame 
Voice-Over: None  
Dialogue: School councilor answering 
Music: None  
Sound FX: None 
Editing notes: Normal colours and balanced exposure 
Location: Mr Powell’s office 
5-7 seconds 
Shot type: A long shot of the girl sitting on the bench 
Position: Neutral 
Angle: Neutral 
Movement: None
Lighting notes: Natural lighting 
Description of action: A young girl is sitting in loneliness while others are chatting 
Framing: The young girl is sitting on the left side of the screen all alone while some girls are chatting to themselves 
Voice-Over:  Refer to script on the blog  
Dialogue: None 
Music:  Sad music 
Sound FX: None 
Editing notes: Statistics blurs into the frame on the right, Saturated and cool colour scheme
Location: School
Additional notes: Time lapse (maybe)
5-6 seconds 
Shot type: Medium shot of the girl standing in front of a mirror 
Position: Neutral 
Angle: Neutral 
Movement: None 
Lighting notes: Low-key lighting or limited lighting to represent that the setting is in a dark room 
Description of action: A girl takes selfies in front of a mirror 
Framing: She is on the left side of the frame while the reflection is on the right side 
Voice-Over:  Narrator concludes 
Dialogue: None
Music:  Sad music 
Sound FX: Camera flash 
Editing notes: Saturated and cool colour scheme
Location: Home 
5-6 seconds 
Shot type: A medium shot of the student  
Position: Eye level
Angle: Neutral 
Movement: None 
Lighting notes: Use LED barn door light with softbox facing against the students but not to the point that it blind them
Description of action: Multiple students were interviewed
Framing: The school councilor is slightly on the right side of the frame 
Voice-Over: None  
Dialogue: Student’s response  
Music:  None 
Sound FX: None 
Editing notes: Normal colours and balanced exposure 
Location: Mr Powell’s office 
5-7 seconds 
Their responses are recorded on the frame via animation
There will be voice-over going through statistics  
3-5 seconds 
Shot type: A close-up shot of the girl wiping her make-up off 
Position: Eye Level
Angle: Neutral 
Movement: None
Lighting notes: Low-key lighting or limited lighting 
Description of action: The young girl wipes her make-up off 
Framing: The girl is in the center of the frame while pretending the camera is the mirror 
Voice-Over:  Refer to script on the blog  
Dialogue: None 
Music:  Hopeful music 
Sound FX: Heartbeat slowly fades in 
Editing notes: Colour scheme slowly returns to normal and so the saturation, fades in at the beginning  
Location: Home 
3-5 seconds 
Shot type: A close-up shot of the phone scrolling through social media
Position: Slight high position 
Angle: High angle
Movement: None
Lighting notes: Low-key lighting or limited lighting 
Description of action: She scrolls through social media 
Framing: The phone is on the low third of the frame 
Voice-Over:  Refer to script on the blog  
Dialogue: None
Music:  Hopeful music 
Sound FX: Heartbeat 
Editing notes: Colour scheme and saturation returns to normal 
Location: Home 
3-5 seconds 
Shot type: A close-up shot of the phone on the bench 
Position: Eye level 
Angle: Neutral 
Movement: None
Lighting notes: Low-key lighting or limited lighting 
Description of action: She puts down her phone on the bench 
Framing: The bench is on the right of the frame and so the phone 
Voice-Over:  Refer to script on the blog  
Dialogue: None
Music:  Hopeful music 
Sound FX: Flat line as she puts down the phone 
Editing notes: Colour scheme and saturation returns to normal
Location: Home 
3-5 seconds 
Shot type: A long shot off the girl standing in front of the door
Position: Eye level 
Angle: Neutral 
Movement: None
Lighting notes: Low-key lighting or limited lighting 
Description of action: The young girl opens the door 
Framing: The door is in the middle of the frame so the girl is 
Voice-Over:  Refer to script on the blog  
Dialogue: None
Music:  Hopeful music 
Sound FX: None 
Editing notes: Colour scheme and saturation returns to normal and overexpose light fills in the frame as it ends in a white screen
Location: Home

Afterwards, we finish our script for the documentary which is a good thing because it will help where we will be going with our documentary.  We disscussed that the voice-over will be done at the near the end when the editing is going. The entire script is on a post in the blog.

When we first planning for the schedule, Adele would not be available when filming after school all week. Therefore, we need to arrange on filming lunchtimes and class time to film. However, there are solutions to the problem. I can film after school for some scenes while Adele can work on her animation in her spare time which is good.

During classtime, we were disscussing who are we going to interview for our documentary and so far we have thought of the school councillor. For the rest of the lesson, we continue our research for interviewers such as potential porfessor at Griffith since it is not too far from school.

On Tuesday afternoon, I filmed some of my shots as well as Adele's to have some footages done. The filming went great as we got some footages for the documentary and I don't think there were any problems on that day.

However, there was a one change I had to make while filming. Originally, one of my shot has the lonely girl on the left side of the frame but I change to have her on the right which was not a big deal.

We also send an email to the school councillor to see if she wants to intervew us and we wait for a reply as we wanted to start interviewing her.

On Wednesday, we filmed more footages during class time and there wasn't any major issues.

Sometime during class, we tried to call to Griffith to find if there were any professors willing to be interviewed.  The staff told us that they will call her back the next day when they found someone.

The councillor has replied and told us that she is only available on Wedensday, Thursday and Friday. Therefore, we decided to interview on this Friday and email her hopefully that she is available then.

Film during classtime and went well. There wasn't any updates with Griffith yet and the councillor haven't replied yet. We also realised that we were not ready to interview anybody yet becuase we haven't finalise our questions yet. Therefore, we emailed her again asking if Wednesday morning tea is good.

During class, Mr Andrews taught us how to use the microphone (RODE) properly and here was his instruction.

  • To test if the microphone works, switch the top until on the line and leave the bottom switch to 0 
  • Then on menu, go to sound recording and click on manual and ask the interviewee to speak to see where the sound level goes to (which lower than red is prefferable)
Griffith called us back and we got a potential list for an interview which is great!

During the weekend, I looked at videoscribe and Powertoon to test it out which animation software will be easier for me to use.

More detailed post on animation will be coming soon.

I also watch a good Youtube video link on how to prep an interview in which I send to Adele to help for our interview.

Write about how to prep for an interview
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9eMEZUTzMzs
More details on interviews on another post.

Reflection for the week: 

This week went well in terms of filming as we started filming some B-roll footages that we needed. In terms of organising interviews, we are hoping that our email to the interviewees we want will be able to be interviewed. There were changes made from shot list to film because there were circumstances. A detailed post about will be posting soon.

(Paste in photos)


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