Rough Edit Feedback

Rough Edit 1
Shot 1 and 7

  • Use a wider lens to have everything in the shot 
  • Quicker action because it was too long or slow 
  • Get a second light to reflect or use a black or white or silver cloth/cardboard or put light source far apart 
  • Twist the sugar and the tea 

Rough Edit 2
I showed to Mr Andrews again and he said it was good so far.

Rough Edit 3
I met up with Mr Andrews to look at my rough edit again and here is the feedback he gave me:

  • Shorten the first clip
  • Play around the two doing in split screen activities 
  • Shot of awards- to still shots instead of moving 
  • Scrolling down the letter, close up 
  • Overhead shot of battleship 
  • Running- tying shoes more Wes 
  • Mum symmetry going 
  • MVI 5430- next time if I reshoot have the characters dead centre and shot of mum in the middle of door symmetry and girls looking up in shock seeing mum leaving 
  • MVI 5441- right in the symmetry and low tripod and looking at the dead centre 
  • Add more sudoku if possible

Rough Edit Test Block
During test block, Mr Andrews gave these feedback.

  • Fall title is a bit lost, can it be made more prominent 
  • Re-record voice-overs, a lot of echo, also need to fix some script errors: These are her children, not this 

  • Was the section 3:10 reshot to include just the faces without the pan? If so swap in the new shots 
  • Stabilise shots at 3:40. Was this reshot for more symmetry?
Those two dot points are the only ones I did not address due to that I sadly had no time to refilm which is unfortunate as that feedback could have elevated my film. I just work with what I had. 
  • A number of shots missing, when added ensure that you check the colour grading
  • Some shots, slightly off colour grading, check to match as closely as possible. 
  • Can the characters be re-recorded, some are quiet?
  • Perhaps try a fade to black and maybe a title card at the end
  • Good use of music 
Within time: Yes
Visual Style Appropriate: Yes
Reflective of Auteur particular Style: Yes


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