Week 3


In this lesson, we first went through the oral task and I took some notes down of important things to know.

Oral task:
- when include video in the oral, 30-40 seconds, it doesn't count the time (time limit only counts if you speak) 
- Essay could focus on: three paragraphs example 
- Physical attributes of beautiful princess and villain or side character 
- The personality traits (Good and Bad)
- Impact on society or audiences (media now)


- Good traits 
- Bad traits 
- Middle 
- Bibliography on paper 
- Script hand on day
- Music not necessarily but if too long put it  

Male representation in media 
Afterwards, we went through the activity and finish the questions for homework. The next lesson, we went through the questions. 

1. Do you think the overall representation of men is a realistic one? Explain your answer. 

In the real world, the depiction of men is not a realistic. The men in the clip are more muscular and strong which is wrong. Not all man are like that.

2. Do you think these types of images, etc. influence the way men and boys think about themselves? Explain your answer. 

The types of images does influence the way men and boys think about themselves. It provides an unrealistic view about themselves and it is worst if the man who is not like that feels inferior due to the perfect look.


Discussion about if you were not what the media portrays the idealistic view of body 
- Bullying 
- Low self-esteem 
- Suicide  
- Outcast 
- Shame 
- Wanting to to lose or gain weight 
- Malnourishment 

Gender in Media
For this activity, you need to work your way through the images and links that are posted and for each one list the things that you think it is saying about women. You could consider the way the woman/women look, how they are acting and/or what seems to be important to them. I have sorted them into advertisements, paparazzi shots, red carpet shots, catwalk shots and film trailers. To help you, it may be worth copying the pictures onto your blog and then making your notes under each one. For the links, you can simply write the name of the advertisement or movie trailer and then put your comments under the name.


In this advertisement, the woman seems to be drinking coke in which looks like it gave her the power to attract men. Her appearance is perfect, she has perfect skin and ideal body shape. The man looking at her tells us that if we drink this product and look perfect, we will attract attention. 

The colour red signifies lust, love and blood. The purple colour seems to represent desire, royalty, mystery and wealth. The snake in the image seems to represent the male in a sexual way and also it parallels to the snake in the Garden of Eden. This tells us that woman are the cause of disasters. This image tells the audience that if you buy the product, you will attract men. Her eyes looks directly at the guy to buy the product for the woman or at woman to attract guys.

It seems that Disney has an influence to other media such as this advertisement as shown in the poison apple. 

Cup a Soup Advertisement

The advertisement seems to tell that the cause of catastrophe are from women such as the cause of the water pipe is a woman. Women are portrayed as not intelligent individual. 

Paparazzi Shots:
What would the media said if the images are on the cover: 
The women in the shot have make up and good clothing.

making up headlines: on the edge,
Hysterical, breakdown, twisted the reason she is like this
Lindsay Lohan one shows that the women are emotional, lose control, always upset, expects that she is talking to her boyfriend and there are breaking up or in the middle of a fight.

Miley: She is pregnant with a girl, Smiling Miley, They would say that she is pregant

Paris: She is going out of prison or hospital for example

Red Carpet Shots:
The image of the women are most of them are skinny meaning if you are you can wear beautiful dress. 

Catwalk Shots:
same apllies for catwalk

1. Look back at the comments you have made for each picture/link and make notes that indicate whether you have noticed any key similarities between the various images or clips.

Key similarities between the images is that all of the women are exposed to the public and portrayed unrealistically about them. They are all treated as objects for admiring. If the clothes is really long down then it is short up in the chest area. 

2. Are there any comments that you can make about an image/clip that appears different to the others?

The images of the stars by paparazzi portrays the celebrities outside of their work but knowing that there is a paparazzi hiding, they need to look best for the media and tabloids. The media portraying different things about women such as creating rumours that could be wrong in real life.

3. Do you think the overall representation of women is a realistic one? Explain your answer.

The representation of women is not a realistic one as it fantasises the image of women. 

4. Do you think these types of images, etc. influence the way women and girls think about themselves? Explain your answer. 

Yes, it will influence women and girls about themselves as they feel pressured to look like the ideal shape therefore, lowering their self esteem. such as suicide, bullying, anorexia or bulimia, if goes too far. 


In this lesson, we went through the questions of the previous activity and add new ones too. 


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