Week 3: Documentary Design Task
5/02 Today we looked through the task and write down the pros and cons of social media. We add on to the previous questions we have written. Pros Get to know new small businesses Increased Employment Op Instant feedback Motivational- confidence, improve your mood (Dopomine), Entertainment Connection (New people [dating, forums, clubs, international], Friends, family, world, social events Portray yourself Inspire someone business (economy, startups, kitstarters) Fashion (Trends, Diets, fads) Cons Private life and public life is a blur or merged Growth in narcissism/vanity time-wasting/unproductive (home, school/workplace) obsess like, followers less "real" Interaction catfish fake profile Psychological disorders Eating, depression, anxiety, suicide, sleeping problem, melatonin levels, reassurance, self-esteem the dark web cyberbullying cybercrime ...