Week 5: Filming continues

During this afternoon, we filmed the Boots inspecting crime scene. It was an interesting shoot because the bar light run out of battery so we had to rely on the LED light (which is not strong enough) and lowering down the exposure on the camera. Furthermore, we just realise that we could have a better location because there was a lot of passerby since there is an event not far from our place. So it took a lot of waiting and footages to get the right shot.  Otherwise, it was a successful shoot because the footages looks good. 

During class, we manage to film Dumpty in the office scene which was successful. There were no problems and the shots looks good.

For this afternoon film, I could not attend to the shoot due to other commitments so Ella and Fran did Boots in the office scene. I've been told it was a successful shoot too as they have done as much as they can even though the scene was not complete yet.

We decide to take a day off to catch up with other works.

Today, the actress that we needed was available so we decide to film her scenes through lunchtime and class time. Even though we had most of the footages, we run out of time so we decided to move filming to tomorrow's lesson.

Due to time running out the previous day we decided to continue filming today. We manage to finish scene 6 and 9 (yay!).

Also one of the group member is not here so we have to finish the scenes without her. It was difficult as I was hoping to finish filming this week but since she is no here, we have to finish filming on Monday. I am not angry because she was not feeling well so I understand.  Therefore, this afternoon we filmed the remainder of scene 3 of shots without Boots to keep going.

We faced some difficulties because footages filmed on Tuesday was lost therefore we have to film on Monday. Which is fine because we only have few footages left to film.


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